Acupuncture alleviates anxiety by calming the Shen, regulating Qi flow, harmonizing the Heart and Liver, and restoring emotional balance.
Acupuncture alleviates anxiety by calming the Shen, regulating Qi flow, harmonizing the Heart and Liver, and restoring emotional balance.
Acupuncture helps reduce nausea and vomiting by improving digestive function, calming the stomach, regulating nervous system activity, and reducing inflammation.
Acupuncture alleviates insomnia by calming the Shen, regulating Qi and Blood flow, balancing the Heart and Kidney, and reducing stress and overthinking.
Acupuncture helps manage menopause symptoms by balancing hormone levels, regulating Qi flow, reducing hot flashes, and alleviating mood swings and sleep disturbances.
Acupuncture helps alleviate vertigo by improving blood circulation, calming the nervous system, balancing the inner ear function, and reducing dizziness and nausea.
Acupuncture helps alleviate depression by regulating Qi flow, harmonising the Heart and Liver, calming the Shen, and balancing the body’s emotional energy.
Acupuncture alleviates hay fever by strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, clearing nasal passages, and balancing the body’s response to allergens.
Acupuncture aids in Bell’s palsy recovery by stimulating facial nerve function, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting facial muscle strength and coordination.
Acupuncture alleviates sciatica by promoting Qi and Blood flow, unblocking meridians, reducing nerve inflammation, and relieving pain along affected pathways.
Acupuncture alleviates sinusitis by promoting Qi flow, reducing inflammation, improving sinus drainage, and strengthening the body’s natural defenses.
Use acupuncture to help you manage your stress. This is your bodies inability to deal with any given situation at any given time.
Acupuncture alleviates tennis elbow by promoting Qi and Blood flow, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, and supporting the healing of tendons and tissues.