Acupuncture aids stroke recovery by restoring Qi flow, unblocking meridians, invigorating Blood circulation, and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
Acupuncture aids stroke recovery by restoring Qi flow, unblocking meridians, invigorating Blood circulation, and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.
Tinnitus is the perception of ringing or buzzing in the ears, which acupuncture may help alleviate by improving circulation and reducing stress.
Acupuncture helps alleviate vertigo by improving blood circulation, calming the nervous system, balancing the inner ear function, and reducing dizziness and nausea.
Acupuncture helps manage chronic fatigue by boosting energy, regulating Qi flow, reducing stress, improving sleep, and restoring balance to the body’s systems.
Acupuncture supports cancer care by reducing pain, alleviating nausea and fatigue from treatment, improving mood, enhancing immune function, and promoting overall well-being.
Acupuncture helps manage asthma by improving lung function, reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system, and promoting smoother airflow through the airways.
Acupuncture alleviates hay fever by strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, clearing nasal passages, and balancing the body’s response to allergens.
Acupuncture aids in Bell’s palsy recovery by stimulating facial nerve function, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting facial muscle strength and coordination.
Acupuncture supports recovery from substance misuse by reducing cravings, balancing the nervous system, alleviating withdrawal symptoms, and promoting emotional stability and relaxation.